Peer Review Policy
Peer review policy for WORLDWIDE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS (WWJoP):
General Principles
WWJoP is committed to providing a fair and rigorous peer-review process for all submitted manuscripts. The journal uses a single-blind peer-review process, which means that the identities of the authors are not revealed to the reviewers. The reviewers are also not revealed to the authors.
Manuscript Evaluation
Manuscripts submitted to WWJoP are evaluated by two independent reviewers. The reviewers are experts in the relevant field and are selected based on their expertise and their ability to provide a fair and objective review.
The reviewers are asked to assess the following criteria:
- The originality of the research.
- The significance of the findings.
- The clarity of the presentation.
- The correctness of the methodology.
- The appropriateness of the conclusions.
Based on the reviewers' reports, the editors will make a decision on whether to accept, reject, or revise the manuscript. The editors will also provide the authors with a detailed explanation of the decision and the reviewers' comments.
Authors who are unhappy with the decision of the editors may appeal the decision. Appeals should be submitted to the editors in writing and should include a detailed explanation of the reasons for the appeal.
WWJoP follows the COPE guidelines on retractions. A manuscript may be retracted if it is found to contain serious errors, or if it is found to have been plagiarized or fabricated.
Ethical Considerations
WWJoP is committed to the highest ethical standards in the publication of research. The journal requires that all authors disclose any potential conflicts of interest, and that all manuscripts are submitted in accordance with the journal's ethical guidelines.